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Fart Juice Cards. Knife's Blunt

Don't underestimate the value of counter cards.

The Knife's Blunt card is a counter card. You can tell that immediately because it has a pink stripe.

You play the Knife's Blunt card when someone plays a Cut the Cheese! on you. It stops them from looking at your hand and taking a card. So it operates like the Fresh Undies card does to a Shart! The difference is that there is only one Knife's Blunt card in the deck, whereas there are 4 Fresh Undies cards.

Whenever you are holding a Cut the Cheese! card you are pretty certain of being able to look at and take a card from an opponent's hand. When he or she plays the Knife's Blunt card to block you, you suffer a moment of unmitigated chagrin! It always irks me far more than having my Shart! blocked by a Fresh Undies.

Next time I will look at 2 more counter cards: Wasn't Me and It Was Him! Stay tuned!

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