Fart Juice Cards. Low on Gas.
There are only two types of (red) penalty cards: the Fart Police, which I have already blogged about, and the Low on Gas.
The Low on Gas uses up a space in your hand. You can't discard it. This is an unusually troubling card. Using an analogy from sport, it's like playing with only seven players on the field instead of eight.
The only way to get rid of it is if:
(a) someone Sharts! you and randomly takes it from your hand; or
(b) you play a (blue) Baked Beans card (which allows you to discard the Low on Gas as one of its actions).
I suppose a third way is if someone plays a Cut the CheeseI or Oski's Golden Fart on you, and chooses to take it from your hand... but I couldn't imagine why anyone would do that!
In play-testing we had a third penalty card, which made you lose a turn. But we found that to be too much of a detriment.