Fart Juice The Card Game. Preview on Casual Game Revolution
I have received the first (pre)view of Fart Juice. It was written by Casual Game Revolution. It is positive, and says things like: "The...
Manufacturer Sample #05
Four prototypes of Fart Juice are now in reviewers' sweaty hands being fervently played (I hope)! In the meantime, I have received...
Reviewer Samples Posting Today!
Finally, I have the reviewer samples ready to go. They will be posted today. Bit nervous what they will think. Above are the four rule...
Manufacturer Sample #03
Latest samples. Came from USA liaison manufacturer (this means they use a Chinese manufacturer, and act as the middle-man). Nicely...
Sorting out six decks of cards
Millie helped me sort these out. They look great. Vibrant colours. They feel good, too. Now 5 sets will be sent to game reviewers....
Fart Juice cards arrive for reviewers
Six sets of Fart Juice cards arrived from TheGameCrafter (USA). These will be sent to reviewers in USA and Australia. The home-made...